Friday, December 16, 2011

Super Junior 30 Days Challenge

Annyeong minna. Gie nemu challange ini di wordpress orang. So the credits goes to the owner. I didn't make this okay?

Day 1: Your ultimate bias DONE
Day 2: Your favorite OTP DONE
Day 3: Your favorite Sub-group DONE
Day 4: Your favorite SJ Song DONE
Day 5: Your favorite SJ-T song DONE
Day 6: Your favorite SJ-M song DONE
Day 7: Your favorite SJ-H song DONE
Day 8: Your favorite SJ-K.R.Y. song DONE
Day 9: Your favorite song that was sung on a live performance DONE
Day 10: Your favorite album DONE
Day 11: Your favorite MV DONE
Day 12: A SJ song you know all the words to
Day 13: A SJ song that makes you cry
Day 14: A SJ song that makes you smile
Day 15: A SJ song that reminds you of the missing 3
Day 16 : The very first SJ Song you've ever heard
Day 17 : A picture of your favorite SJ-subgroup
Day 18 : A picture of the member you think has the cutest smile
Day 19 : A Picture of the member you think is overatted
Day 20 : A Picture of the member you think is underrated
Day 21 : A Picture of the member you think has the best "Engrish"
Day 22 : A Picture of the member you think has the best jawline
Day 23 : Your favorite picture of your bias
Day 24 : Your Favorite SJ picture
Day 25 : Your favorite SJ show
Day 26 : Your favorite dance
Day 27 : Your ideal Boyfriend out of all the SJ members
Day 28 : Your favorite SJ interview
Day 29 : A SJ song you never get tired of
Day 30 : Your favorite radio that is hosted by a SJ member

Mulai ah~
Gie, Hwaitting! /nyemangatindirisendiri /foreveralone

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